
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Macbeth Analysis Essay

The extract before me is from Macbeth written by William Shakespeare in the year 1606. It is from Act 1 Sc 7. It takes place in a room at Macbeth’s castle at Inverness. The extract primarily deals with the ploys that Lady Macbeth uses to persuade her husband Macbeth to commit the crime of murdering King Duncan. Two important themes are bought out in this extract, one is about the creation of gender roles and stereotypes and the second one is about appearances often being deceptive. The extract begins with Macbeth telling Lady Macbeth â€Å"We shall proceed no further in this business†. This is obviously referring to something which has happened before in the scene. Macbeth has been contemplating the consequences of this murder. He conceives a very apocalyptic vision of how the angels of heaven are gonna be coming and spreading the news of this murder all across. The angels are gonna be pleading for Duncan’s virtues and the people are gonna be actually crying and there be like a flood of tears which will drown the Earth. So, he tells Lady Macbeth that he does not wish to do away with his golden reputation, he does not want to lose its gloss and therefore, he does not want to proceed with the bloody business as he calls it. Lady Macbeth is obviously very affected by this and she ends up trying to accuse Macbeth of being unmanly. She uses adjectives like â€Å"pale†, â€Å"green†. She compares him to â€Å"the poor cat in the adage†. She is trying to drive the wedge between him and his doing and his desire to achieve the throne and his lack of action. Now, Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"what beast was it then that made you break this enterprise to me†. This is a reference to Act 1, Sc 5 because in Act 1 Sc 5, Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth about the prophecies that the witches had made and how he is supposed to become t he King of Scotland after becoming the Thane of Cawdor. Now, Lady Macbeth is just wedging upon those lines saying that â€Å"when you dared to commit this to me, that is when you were a man† and now if you are actually gonna commit the deed of murder, you are gonna commit the heinous crime of regicide, you will be even more the man. Lady Macbeth reasons out that the time and the place were not appropriate to kill Duncan at that time but now since he has come into our battlements, he is in our castle as our guest, we are supposed to kill him. Lady Macbeth is surprised that Macbeth is losing his resolve at this time. Lady Macbeth goes on to create a very grotesque image that shows that the milk of human kindness is actually not present in her. She says that she has suckled the baby at her breast and she knows â€Å"how tender it is to love the babe that milks me† and she says that if she had ever said that she had committed to anyone that I am going to be killing my child, she would have actually plucked his mouth out of her nipple and dashed his brains out against the wall. This is a very grotesque image produced by Lady Macbeth has produced. This makes it clear to us that Lady Macbeth has been dehumanised, defeminised in all ways. Thus, she has achieved her wish which she asked from the spirits. She is totally unwomanly and does not have any maternal instincts. She is actually a reminder of the character Medea from the play Medea written by Euripedes because Medea had self-decided to kill her own children. Now, we see that the scene has become progressively darker with Lady Macbeth creating images of death and Macbeth ends up contemplating the possible consequences if we should fail. We should see that there are several times when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth talk about each other as being one. They perpetually use ‘we’. Macbeth has never said that ‘i’ am gonna fail at the murder. He says that ‘we’ should fail. This shows that there is a sense of togetherness and they are partners not only in greatness but also in crime. So, Lady Macbeth immediately retaliates but then at this time there is a shift in tone. It becomes much more pragmatic because she divulges the plan of the murder to Macbeth. There is a metaphor used over here, it’s about stringed instruments, now just as you take the string and you create the appropriate tension by tying it to the right peg. Similarly, Lady Macbeth expects that Macbeth decides to be headstrong and resolute and decides to screw his courage to the sticking place. If he does so, they will certainly not fail. She goes on to discuss the plan of murder with Macbeth. She says that when Duncan will be asleep and in all probability, he is likely to sleep due to his long journey. The two sentinels outside his room are gonna be intoxicated by Lady Macbeth using wine, drugs. She will make sure that they are so drunk that they will lose thier memory which has been described as â€Å"the warder of the brain†. The receipt of reason will not be there. Reason will actually be distilled out of their brains. They will not be able to understand anything. They will actually behave like swine and sleeping in that manner. Lady Macbeth sees it as golden opportunity to perform the murder. She once again, as I said, talks about them being one. She says â€Å"what cannot you and I perform upon the unguarded Duncan?† when in fact the murder is going to be committed by Macbeth alone. Lady Macbeth is obviously very important partner in his crime. Now, Lady Macbeth further tells him that they are gonna be taking the daggers and staining the officers with the blood. She expects the officers â€Å"to bear the guilt of our great quell. Now, the use of the word â€Å"guilt† over here is very important and it is also very ironic because it is not like they do not do away with thier guilt ever. In fact, they leave in torment of the very murder. Lady Macbeth in Act 5, Sc 1 in the sleep-walking soliloquy is a woman who has completely lost her senses. She is leaving under intense emotional pressure and she is the one who is not able to sleep anymore. So, it shows that they are actually guilty of the crime. Macbeth himself in Act 2 Sc 2 does not wish to even go back to the scene of the crime again. So, it shows that even though they are gonna be staining the sentinels with blood. In fact, both of them are gonna be living in horror of the deed. Now, Macbeth seems to be quite convinced and he asks Lady Macbeth to bring forward male children only because the â€Å"undaunted mettle should compose nothing but males†. Now, this is very significant because it is about the creation of the gender stereotypes. In the Shakespearean area, it was expected of men to be embodiment of valour, courage and ruthlessness to some extent and woman on the other hand were expected to be more submissive and incapable of coming up with wicked plans. However Lady Macbeth is an exception to this rule because she comes across as one who is so resolute and cold, so devoid of pity that this is something which should be there only in men. Macbeth once again questions his wife and asks her that if they are gonna marking the two sleepy sentinels with blood, would it not see that they have done it. Lady Macbeth says that while they will be hysterically crying and lamenting the death of Duncan, suspicion will never fall upon them. Macbeth finally capitulates to all its wife’s persuasions and he seems to have â€Å"bend up each corporal agent to this terrible feat†. This is a very important line in the building up of the tragic hero because Macbeth is gonna be himself responsible for his fate. He has decided to put his heart and soul into committing so heinous a crime and he is indeed gonna be bearing indeed the consequences of it as we see later in the play. The scene ends with a couplete that rhymes which is typical of Shakespeare. It says that â€Å"Away, and mock the time with fairest show: false face must hide what the false heart doth know. So, it recounts the theme that appearances are often deceptive. This theme has been running throughout the play. It all began with King Duncan in Act 1 Sc 2 when he wished that he would be able to recognise people by simply looking at their faces. It is also present in Act 1 Sc 5 when Lady Macbeth asks her husband to â€Å"look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it†. This time Macbeth is the one who is actually telling his wife that she is suppose to be having composure, she is suppose to conceal her ulterior motives and her false face must hide the real intentions that she has. In conclusion, i can say that there is a big contrast between the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is the one who is contemplating the fear of failure. He says that we should fail, what would happen. He is no doubt ambitious but at the same time he also comes across as a rational being.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Papal is a kind of financial instrument that connects the plastic, credit card or any bank account with a user account on the system, which makes it possible at any moment to replenish their balance in the system, to make any payments, withdraw money. 1. 0 The history of success Papal – is the largest electronic money system in the world designed to make payments on the Internet. Papal is making it possible for users to make their money into your account using a mobile phone connected to the Internet.In 1998, Max Levin, Luke Noses, and Peter Thiele founded the company Continuity, whose task was o develop cryptographic applications that might be used in the implementation of electronic payment transactions using mobile phones. This project is interested in several investors – Deutsche Bank, which has invested in the project, is $ 1. 5 million, and Monika Ventures – they implemented an infusion of $ 3 million. In 1999, Leon Musk founded the company X. Com Corporati on, which was engaged in a variety of financial services on the Internet.Considering the needs of the market, the developers of the company is mainly focused on the creation of an electronic moment system via e-mail. In November 1999 there was a merger of the two companies – X. Com Corporation and Continuity, resulting in a new company – Papal Ink. Officially, the company Papal launched Just over a year – in February 2000, the site was set up Papal. Com Here is some strategic ways which Papal use to got success in business: Active and intelligent campaign, which promotes the benefits of electronic payment system Papal became to the fact that a large number of investors, among which were the major U. S. Ankhs, interested in the project. As a exult, the development of e- money system Papal has invested 23 million dollars, and the rapid development of the Internet has played into the hands of the founders of the company – a large number of users of the syste m who appreciate the convenience of this form of transaction. Within six months of the payment system Papal enjoyed a half million people, the turnover amounted to two million dollars, and more than one million of the world of auctions used this system for their monetary transactions. Registration has opened Papal convenience and new opportunities for different market participants.At the same time the system was introduced improvements – was possible to invest Papal, and receive monthly dividends. In February 2002, the U. S. Stock market, Papal will put shares at $ 900 million. And in 2006, the electronic payment system Papal was awarded the â€Å"Best Financial Site A year later, the system had available for users of Papal in Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Astrakhan. In 2008, Papal has released a card Papal Top Up, which allowed the system to attract a new range of customers and has made it possible to provide services in off-line mode.Papal become famous revolution in the oral of information technology, as allowed to make payments instantly even with a regular mobile phone. In order to send or receive money, do not need to do anything to make out – enough to activate and send a message Today, the remarkable system Papal – the undisputed leader in its sector and so far no one service does not attract the same number of customers as the project. Papal is licensed agencies that monitor and regulate the activities of all financial institutions in the U. S. , so the system has a certain impact on the entire sector.All electronic user accounts are ensured, are denominated in U. S. Currency, money is in the bank Wells Fargo. It is also important that the system is constantly evolving – many famous people say this is what the Internet as the main factor of popularity. Thus, the service now supports not only the U. S. Currency , but such different currencies , the Euro , Australian dollar , Canadian dollar , pound sterling, Chinese Yuan , the Japanese yen , the Hungarian forint , the Hong Kong dollar , the Danish and Czech crown , the Polish zloty , New Zealand dollar, Singapore dollar , the Norwegian crone , the Swiss bank and theSwedish Akron . Also among the benefits of the famous service Papal, which determine its relevance , it is worth noting , such as the maximum ease of use , user- friendly interface, international, multilingual and multi-currency , the ability of mobile payments, the maximum level of safety , insurance funds. Implementation of transactions in multiple currencies at the same time In the Papal system created function â€Å"Working with different currencies† to facilitate payments between foreign parties. Papal offers exchange rates, competitive exchange rates relative to other client services.The most current information on exchange rates based on the â€Å"interbrain exchange rates† Inter-bank exchange rates are established in the course of currency trading in a global network of more than 1,000 banks, and the channels are not available to customers or retailers. Customers can use these courses are for reference purposes, but should not rely on the inter-bank exchange rates in transactions where the conversion takes place. For current rates contact your local financial institution or an exchange office or see the course, reflected in your transaction Papal. 3. 0 Papal – increasing to globalizationThe online payment system Papal has announced the beginning of its work on the market at once, and 87 new states. Therefore, the list of countries with which operates Papal increased to 190. List of new countries includes countries such as : Albania , Algeria , Angola , Antigen and Barbuda , Armenia , Azerbaijan , Belize , Benign , Bhutan , Bolivia, Bosnia and Herringbone , Bulgaria , Burning Fast , Burundi , Cambodia , Chad , Colombia , Cosmos , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Republic of the Congo , Cook Islands , Outside , Dominica , El Salvador , R eiterate , Ethiopia , FareIslands, Gabon , Gambia , Greenland , Grenade , Guatemala , Guiana , Guiana- Bissau , Guyana , Honduras, Astrakhan , Kenya , Jackrabbit, Kuwait, Gyrations , Laos , Lesotho , Madagascar , Malawi , Mali , Marshall Islands , Mauritania , Micronesia , Mongolia , Morocco , Macaque , Naira , Nepal , Nicaragua , Niger , Nine, Norfolk Island , Oman , Papal , Panama , Papua Papua New Guiana, Peru, Philippines, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines , San Marino , SAA Tome and Principle , Saudi Arabia , Senegal , Seychelles , Sierra Leone , Somalia , Sir Lankan, Surname,Scabbard and Ian Mane , Swaziland , Atkinson , Tanzania , Transmittal , Tuba , Uganda , Vaunt , Vatican City , Yemen and Zambia . Adding support for new languages will primarily Spanish- , French- and Chinese- speaking users to avoid a certain kind of confusion when making online purchases. Customers using the web browser on one of these three languages , with the first site visit will be p rompt to translate it into the language of their browser. We are very excited about our expansion into new markets around the world, as well as adding the ability to view our website in three ewe languages. Recent innovation allows users to directly in 46 countries and work with us in their own language. This will help make both internal and international payments easier and safer for millions of customers around the world, â€Å"commented innovation Dana Stalled (Dana Stalled), senior vice president of Papal. Add that to the moment Papal has 143 million user accounts worldwide.In the first quarter of 2007, the volume of payments through Papal amounted to more than $ 11 billion. Http://ahead. Org/archives/ahead_archive/may-Junco/0066. HTML Globalization in e-commerce: Papal arrives in Russia November 1, the international online payment system Papal starts working with Russian rubles. This information is contained in the text of the amendments to the â€Å"User Agreement† and † Privacy Policy Ð’Â » Papal. As the portal Moneys. Our, document, in particular, establishes an equivalent charged for transactions through Papal commissions in Russian rubles.Thus, the fixed charge for domestic payments in foreign currency will be 10 rubles, and for incompetents between users from different countries – only 2 of the ruble. The maximum size of the Commission for Mass Payments in Russia and around the world is set at 240 rubles and 1,400 rubles, respectively. The fee for â€Å"greenbacks† will be 64 rubles. For active users Papal, freelancers, online stores and services especially relevant is the question of the possibility of withdrawing from a purse in the Papal account in a Russian bank. Confirmed information on this matter until it has none.Back in April 2012, Papal will filed documents with the CAB to create a non-bank credit organizations ( Nags), but still do not know at what stage the approval of documents . Optimistic predictions th at the withdrawal of funds to the accounts of Russian banks will be available simultaneously with the upcoming November 1 changes can neither confirm nor deny. On the one hand, of course, the arrival of Papal will make an additional stimulus to the development of e- commerce in Russia at the expense of the same eBay and foreign online stores often provide more favorable conditions for buyers.On the other hand, many experts and members of the Russian market of e-commerce users to predict the outflow popular now in the country of online payment service to Papal. The undoubted advantage for Runner is to increase the level of confidence of taxpayers to payments on the internet and projected in connection with the introduction of market growth Papal e- commerce in general, Russia 4. 0 Do you use Papal? Yes, of course I use.And here are the reasons why I choose Papal Because, Papal is the easiest and safest method of payment, which will save you the headache and confusion can quickly buil d a successful positive feedback. Once the client has paid for the goods, Papal immediately, within a few seconds sends you an email notification that the money is credited to the account. Nice to wake up in the morning, open the email and see the yawning so dear words – muff got Cash!!! † Papal is enjoyed by people from 190 countries. What else is good Papal to me?Do you have the money in the account, which will allow you to get a debit card fast enough! If the situation is such that you cannot use a credit card relative, and get a debit card there is no possibility of that is not available even hundreds of dollars, which would be put in a bank account, Papal will take you Just a cool way out of the situation. After 60 days of opening a Papal account and the money is transferred o this account from trading on eBay, make an application for obtaining card. Debit card Papal allows you to pay for goods and services both online and in real life.You can open one of the three types of accounts on Papal: Personal Accounts, Premier Accounts, Business Accounts. Open the Premier Account, as in the Personal there are many limitations, such as the owners of Personal Accounts debit card is not entitled. In the case of Premier Accounts you will have a good prospect of a debit card, and a little later, and credit cards. When you send money to the Premier Account, then you will not be taking fee. If you sold it on eBay and either you received money on account, Papal will take with you a small fee.According to statistics, about 78 % of the visitors are eBay's Papal account. Buyers who do not have such an account could send me a check or Money Order, but I deliberately refuse this. I refuse it for one reason; I want to live in peace. The fact is that, the letters sent checks. Sometimes the letters are delayed, buyers are nervous, you're too worried. I cannot force you to use your example predominantly Papal for billing the customer, each with its own head on his ho lders, but I cannot resist the Board: I am very happy with Palsy's service. 5. Conclusion If briefly conclude, today, the remarkable system Papal – the undisputed leader in its sector and so far no one service does not attract the same number of customers as the project. Also among the benefits of the famous service Papal, which determine its relevance , it is worth noting , such as the maximum ease of use , user-friendly interface , international, multilingual and multi-currency , the ability of mobile payments , the maximum level of safety , insurance funds. And that the company is irking without stopping in many countries to satisfy their customers.Example for innovation is mobile wallet: Papal is ready to accelerate their adoption by the insertion of additional services designed to give consumers a reason to use the Papal wallet into several categories and merchants to give a reason to consider adding another method of payment. If Papal has several features, so why don't use it? My choice is Papal. 6. 0 Reference World Wide Web HTTPS://www. Papal-media. Com/ http://www. Freelancer. Mix/page. PH? P=info/terms HTTPS://www. Papal-media. Com/history

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Domestication of Animals and its Impact on World Civilizations Essay

The Domestication of Animals and its Impact on World Civilizations Over Time - Essay Example Both Eastern and Western hemispheres experienced huge progress in uniquely different ways. One innovation that largely affected the development of societies and contributed to their progress was the domestication of animals. The domestication of animals positively impacted civilizations around the world by advancing agricultural and economic development, improving trade and international relations, and expanding cultural expression. The advancement of agriculture and economic aspects occurred in many different civilizations including the Chinese, Egyptian, and even Neolithic societies as a result of the domestication of animals. During the time span of the Xia dynasty to the Han Dynasty, the Chinese domesticated animals such as chickens, ducks, pigs, and dogs (Gascoigne). These ducks, pigs, and dogs were used as their fresh food source. Chickens also served as a food producer of eggs, a food commonly consumed in the Chinese diet. In addition to supplying a fresh source of food, domesticated animals in China were also used to help produce crops. The Chinese utilized oxen to pull plows, which helped humans more efficiently plow their land and positively affected the agricultural growth as a result of the increased production of crops. Therefore, the domestication of animals shaped both the Chinese diet and improved its economy through the increase of agricultural efficiency. In Egypt, cattle and pigs were raised t o supply major food products as well. Later on during the New Kingdom, Egyptians started to domesticate chickens, which served the same purpose for the Egyptians as it did for the Chinese.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Human Resourse Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Human Resourse Management - Essay Example Performance appraisal plays an important role in the success of any company as it helps them to manage the employee’s performance. Through this performance report the management can direct their employees as what is to be done to improve their performances. According to Douglas McGregor, the need for performance appraisal is for the following reasons: 1) It provides a systematic judgement, which can increase the salary of the employees, give them promotion and sometimes the judgement also leads to termination and demotion. 2) Behavioural changes are suggested to the employees. 3) It is also used for counselling and coaching of the individual by their superiors (Deci and Ryan, 2005). Objective of Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal deals with the people as the aspects of the organisation. According to Fletcher, employees see themselves to be the beneficiary when the organisation goals are fulfilled. They are properly rewarded and also get the opportunity for promotion a nd development of their talent. There are three factors that help to determine whether the employees are engaged in the process for meeting the objectives of the appraisal. They are as follows: 1) Perception of the employees that the assessment is fair (Deci and Ryan, 2005). 2) The existing relationship between the employees and the person who is doing the appraisal. 3) The impact of the appraisal of the employees that can lead to reward or their promotion (Deci and Ryan, 2005). The following are the objectives of appraisal: Increase productivity and motivation: It helps the employees to identify their talent and create a plan for them to achieve their goal set for them. Clarity in their work plan creates greater focus on the job assigned to them and leads to better performances and commitment to the organisation. Thus, it increases the productivity of the organisation along with the individual employees. Increase Transparency: Setting the targets and making agreements on the measur ement criteria brings transparency to the appraisal process. For retaining good talent in the organisation: It helps in taking people related decisions for the organisation such as the career development, career planning, opportunities for training and development and succession planning. Good performers are rewarded with promotion, increased compensation and also given the opportunity to groom their opportunity in the organisation. Increasing commitment: It helps the employees to bring good self awareness of the employees and thus increase their commitment for the organisation (Deci and Ryan, 2005). Obstacles to achieve Performance Appraisal The main barriers to performance appraisal are the following: Unrealistic assumptions: Sometimes the appraisal fails to achieve its goal due to the unrealistic assumptions that are set by the superiors. These assumptions are not accurate and make faulty decisions that affect the employees. They sometimes do not conduct formal appraisal as they think that personal opinion is more accurate than formal appraisal. Sometimes managers consider the appraisal system to be perfect and thus they expect a lot from the process. But no appraisal process is absolutely perfect (Coens and Jenkins, 2002). Importance of Performance Appra

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sociological analysis for the most danderous job Coursework

Sociological analysis for the most danderous job - Coursework Example The two leading questions which come forward are: Lack of employment forces a mankind to take-up certain jobs that govern the risk of life. In order to make maximum benefit Institutions employ people who lack awareness and can do hardships with minimum wages Order theories focus upon the integrity of society e.g. Institutions but at the same time it implicates the inequality in the society. Institutions work in co-ordination, in a methodical and synchronized manner to meet the requirements of the society. It becomes the responsibility of the management and authorities of the slaughter house to provide an amiable, hygienic atmosphere. Keeping humanity as the sole basis of social norms. Although the socioeconomic conditions sometimes becomes our fate. The theory gives the deep insight into what are the most dangerous things a man can do to keep the society in balance. The order theory provides the right to seek the better, enhanced and yet a healthier life. Through education we can make things better for ourselves and also for our wards and family. Education not only brings higher grades in the social order but it gives a new orientation, awareness and better understanding for life.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Answer question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Answer question - Assignment Example Expected Costs: Sarah handles payroll functions, travelling to both offices once per week,70 miles round-trip to Sedona,190 miles round-trip to Prescott. Her SUV gets 17 mpg, the cost of gas on average is $ 3.40 per gallon. Expected cost per week therefore is: $ 3.40 multiplied by 17 mpg of her SUV= $57.8. Incase Sarah maintains her job, DSS will reduce her approximately 5 hours per payroll period, reducing her daycare cost to $ 200 monthly thus, (200 * 12) = $ 2400 annually to be subtracted from $ 1430044. Therefore TOTAL EXPECTED COST WILL BE $ 1,427,644. It will increase the time needed to run the clinic efficiently and provide a proper database that will enable Collins to keep track of the clinic’s financial transactions. This translates into an increase into the net-worth of his business. 6) That Collins facilitate the implementation of the DSS payroll software immediately. In addition, for him to up-grade his knowledge of working with the software for effective management, and if need be, to retain his wife in her position due to her experience with managing payroll system which will prove useful. Because she is technically savvy, it eliminates the need to have to incur cost in training a new

Examine critically the nature and lasting impacts for domestic Essay

Examine critically the nature and lasting impacts for domestic business environment of the global financial crisis of 2007 - Essay Example Johnson et al (2008, p.55) identify the PESTEL framework as a means of analysing the environment. Following the corporate scandals of Enron and WorldCom, several commentators have added ethics to the list of analytical factors and it is this approach that will be used to analyse the macro-environment of the UK following the global financial crisis of 2007. The STEEPLE framework considers the Socio-cultural, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical factors that affect business and over which business has no control. An analysis of the current environment is as follows: Figure 1: Macro Environmental Analysis Although this analysis is brief, it provides insight into potential problems facing the UK in the short- and medium-term in different areas. Some of these will be evaluated in more detail. Socio-Cultural Factors Factors within this area tend to be long-term trends, such as the changing pattern of work and women’s participation in the labour market . Following the UK general election in 2010 and the change of government, there has been a significant shift in the approach to the public sector and state support for the country’s population. ... The OECD are reported as stating that the cuts â€Å"risked derailing economic recovery† (ibid), with the IMF highlighting that unemployment levels will increase dramatically, leaving many people facing a significant reduction in their â€Å"livelihood, security and dignity† (ibid). They also highlight that following job losses, people suffer from health problems. Children of parents without work do worse in school and overall â€Å"faith in public institutions and democracy† (ibid) is reduced. The previous year, the OECD has predicted a â€Å"full-blown social crisis† following the expected rise in global unemployment (Seager, 2009). The OECD secretary general was reported to have said that: â€Å"restoring global growth is an economic and political priority but also an ethical, moral, social and human imperative. And employment and social policies are an essential component of a successful strategy to bring .... countries back on a growth track† ( Seager 2009) This demonstrates that the different elements within the macro-environment are interrelated and cannot really be separated as this analysis suggests. The over-riding fear in the social domain is an increasingly polarised society with the haves doing much better and the have-nots being pushed into poverty as unemployment increases and welfare benefits are cut (Armour 2010). Technological Factors Technology includes not only information technology but the processes by which manufacturers and service providers create and deliver their products. Although the biggest impact in the technology area has been the increasing power and availability of computing power, the impact for manufacturing should not be forgotten. Most homes in the UK now have access to a personal computer and the internet, allowing them

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Global Energy Consumption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global Energy Consumption - Essay Example As the report stresses  coal is a mineral that is mined either in underground mines or surface mines. Exploration is a process of gathering geological information from a number of different sources including existing data, seismic instrumentation, and geographical observation. Holes are drilled into the selected areas to determine the size and quality of the coal bed. Contributing to today's modern exploration methods are "microelectronics-based technology, such as; personal computers, digital down-hole logging, remote sensing, global-positioning systems, and vastly improved communications".This paper declares that  crude oil is drilled from wells located beneath the surface of the earth by forcing it up when pressure is applied inside the well. In addition, there are oil reserves beneath the oceans and other bodies of water that are tapped by offshore oilrigs. It is transported around the world on ships known as super-tankers, where it is off loaded at refineries typically built along the coast around the world. The quantity of oil, the quality, and the size of the oil field all impact the value of the field. Oil exploration is accomplished by utilizing the geological history of an area in conjunction with radar, sonar, sounding, and data acquisition techniques that look beneath the surface and reveal what may lie below.  Eventually, test wells are drilled to determine the depth of the oil, the quantity, and obtain more precise information on the layout of the field. ... Natural gas is a natural byproduct of fossil fuels and is found associated with oil fields and coal beds. A major problem with natural gas is transportation, which must be done primarily by pipeline. This limits it to inland applications, as trans-oceanic pipelines are impractical. Coal shale is a relatively new source of oil and extraction technologies are still being developed and improved. The process depends on the oil that is embedded in the rock and the sand where oil has accumulated. It is estimated that there is enough oil in the US oil shale reserves to meet our present oil demands for the next 200 years (The Benefits of Oil Shale Production, 2007). However, the process of grinding the shale rock and heating it to separate the material is an expensive process. In addition, moving the oil from the fields to the refineries within the US must be done by truck, and could also become expensive. At today's oil prices, it may be impractical, though with escalating demand and diminishing supplies its economic outlook may improve in the future (The Benefits of Oil Shale Production). In addition, it would free the US from the political concerns encountered when acquiring crude oil. There has recently been some debate within the Senate that would favor offshore oil drilling off the coast of the US. Advocates contend it is a necessary step to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. However, critics maintain that the amount is so limited and the production so far in the future that it will only have a marginal effect on supply or price (Jervis, Welch, & Wolf, 2008). In addition, environmentalists have objected to the lifting of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Analysis - Essay Example It stresses mostly on work, and the talents and skills that the company seeks in its applicants (DreamWorks Animation SKG). There is also mention of the diversity among the employees (DreamWorks Animation SKG), and a lot of emphasis on the company’s philosophy regarding its work and its employees (DreamWorks Animation SKG). It does mention that the work is collaborative (DreamWorks Animation SKG), so that is an indication of the fact that employees do enjoy job sharing opportunities to balance work and personal life. Much of the information regarding the work-life relationship of the company can be obtained from the Fortune Magazine website (100 Best Companies). It mentions that the company offers job sharing (100 Best Companies), as previously mentioned, and there is also the option of telecommuting (100 Best Companies), which makes it easier for the employees to work even from home if the need arises. However, the company website explicitly states that the work is very demanding and time consuming, and free time is hard to get (DreamWorks Animation SKG). That could be daunting for an employee who is trying to balance a personal life along with his work. Moreover, the company does not offer compressed workweeks (100 Best Companies). There is a fair chance of a good balance between work and personal life if I were to work for this company. However, given the nature and demand of the work, and my aim of maintaining a balance, I would rather look elsewhere first before settling on this

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

God In You Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

God In You - Essay Example Dreams illuminate our lives; however, the peaks are higher than the imagination. Jeremiah feels a great joy to participate in God’s work in the hearts and lives of people. God keeps his servants humble and saves them from temptation and self-centeredness. The devotion should be continuous and constant. The commitment is for life; and our dreams should be greater than our memories. When disciples worry about the future and ask to see the Father, Jesus answers that the Father dwells in Him and He is acting on his behalf. Jesus told his disciples that all his words, the miracles he accomplished and all deeds are God’s actions, not His. Jesus Explains that his presence is not necessary, God’s work will continue and that they may even have greater accomplishment than Him. He urges them to look in the future and not look back. Even though Jesus’ hint that his disciples can do greater work may be blasphemous, he invokes their beliefs and faith. In fact, the promi se of doing greater work is linked to the coming of the Holy Spirit. However, Jesus had to leave for the Holy Spirit to come, which he clearly explained to his disciples. Therefore Jesus’ crucifixion, then ascension, was followed by the pouring of the Holy Spirit that becomes the third part of the Trinity. Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, â€Å"Rulers of the people and elders of Israel: If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by what means he has been made well, let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole† (NKJV, Acts 4: 8-10). Jesus advocates the importance of the spiritual over the material and the eternal over the temporal. â€Å"Then Jesus, being filled with the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Issues in special education Essay Example for Free

Issues in special education Essay Legal disputes between parents and school officials can be very costly. The cost is not just in dollars. It also involves costs in terms of the diversion of resources, the toll on school personnel, and, most importantly, the breakdown in the relationship between the parents and the school. The best way to deal with a legal dispute is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. In 1975 Congress passed landmark legislation designed to provide the nations students with disabilities with unprecedented access to educational services. Originally known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (1975), that legislation is now known by its new title, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (1997). The statute, as amended, calls for school districts to provide students with disabilities with an appropriate education in the least restrictive environment. The law also provides students with disabilities and their parents with due process rights, including the right to contest school district decisions regarding the provision of a free appropriate public education. Consequently, since the enactment of the law in 1975, literally thousands of lawsuits have been filed challenging school district decisions. The IDEA is not the only law governing special education in the schools. In addition, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA provide students with disabilities with additional protections. Section 504 prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities by recipients of federal funds. The ADA expands section 504s discrimination prohibition to the private sector, but includes provisions applicable to public entities. In addition, all states currently have laws governing the provision of special education. Procedural issues Evaluation and Classification The IDEA requires states, and consequently school districts, to establish procedures to assure that all students with disabilities are properly identified and evaluated (IDEA, Â § 1412, a, 2, 1997). Those procedures, along with the test instruments chosen, may not be culturally or racially biased. In fact, students whose language or mode of communication is not English, must be evaluated in their native language or usual mode of communication (IDEA, Â § 1414, b, 3, 1997). The IDEA stipulates that all assessments are to be administered by trained personnel in conformance with the instructions provided by the test producer (IDEA, Â § 1414, b, 2, 1997). If a student is found to be eligible for special education, the school district is required to develop an individualized education program (IEP) for that child, but the IEP can be invalidated if it is based on a flawed evaluation of the child (Bonadonna v. Cooperman, 1985). The student is entitled to an independent evaluation if the parents disagree with the school districts evaluation. However, the school district is required to pay for the independent evaluation only if the parents can show that the districts evaluation was not appropriate. If the parents do obtain an independent evaluation, the school district must consider the results of that evaluation (Assistance to the States, Â § 300. 503, 1999). However, that does not mean that the school district must adopt the recommendations of the independent evaluator (G. D. v. Westmoreland School District, 1991). Rights of Parents and Guardians Parents are given considerable due process rights on behalf of their children in the special education process. The intent of the IDEAis for them to become partners with school district personnel in the development of IEPs. The school district must provide the parents with proper notice before it proposes to take any action regarding the childs identification or placement (IDEA, Â § 1415, b, 3, 1997). The parents must be invited to participate in all meetings in which the students evaluation or placement will be considered (Assistance to the States, Â § 300.345, 1999). If the parents disagree with any decisions made by school district personnel, they may seek resolution either through voluntary mediation or an administrative due process hearing. If the parents disagree with the final result of the administrative hearing process, they may appeal to the federal or state courts (IDEA, Â § 1415, 1997). Failure to provide parents with the rights outlined in the IDEA can invalidate an otherwise appropriate IEP (Osborne, 1996). Change in Placement Procedures Once a child has been placed in special education, that placement may not be arbitrarily changed. Again, before any change in placement may occur, the parents must be given proper notification. The childs placement also may not be changed while any administrative due process or judicial proceedings are pending absent parental consent or a court order (IDEA, Â § 1415, j, 1997). The actual determination of what constitutes a change in placement can be tricky. For example, if a special education classroom was physically moved from one school to another as part of a school district reorganization, that would not be considered a change in placement as long as the students IEP could be fully implemented in the new location. By the same token, the usual movement of a student from one level to another (i. e. , elementary to middle school) is not a change in placement if the students IEP can be fully implemented after the change (Osborne, 1996). However, any move that would affect the IEP or its implementation would be considered a change in placement. Obviously, changing a child from a resource room situation to a substantially separate class for students with behavioral disorders would be a change in placement. The elimination of a component of the students educational program would also constitute a change in placement (Abney v. District of Columbia, 1988). Minor changes are allowable, however. The key to determining whether or not the change is acceptable is how the modification will affect the students learning (DeLeon v. Susquehanna Community School District, 1984).

Contributions of Science in Maintaining World Peace Essay Example for Free

Contributions of Science in Maintaining World Peace Essay Science has made great progress in recent times. Through science man has been able to conquer nature. He has acquired control over land, air and water. Time and distance have no meaning in this sputnik Age. Some people think that science is responsible for wars. It has placed in the hands of the man extremely destructive weapons. They may ruin the world completely. It may be true to some extent. But science has also contributed a lot towards world peace. Today very fast means of transport and communications are available. Armies can be moved from one place to another in no times. These forces check the advance of an enemy. Thus war is prevented. Big wars break out due to certain causes. Poverty, disease, hunger, etc. , are enemies of mankind. Some countries are rich while others are poor. Scientific inventions have given us valuable machines. With their help production has been increased manifold. Even the backward and poor countries have now begun to enjoy a better standard of living. The contribution of science to medical science is well known to everyone. Wonderful drops like penicillin, streptomycin, Chloromycetin, etc. , have been discovered. They have ensured long and healthy life to the people of the world. By removing such causes of war, science has helped in reducing the chances of a world war to the minimum. Small sparks lead to big conflagrations. Similarly minor internal disturbances within a country sometimes lead to big wars, but now-a-days the police and military can be sent to the spots of trouble within no time. Thus, internal peace is far more secure today than it ever was. Science has given very effective means of propaganda. The Radio, the Television, the News paper and the cinema are very powerful means of propaganda. Through them, the people of the world can easily know the horrible effects of modern warfare. Through cinema, pictures of horrors of war are shown to the people. Thus public opinion is created against war. This also helps in preventing war. Science has not reached the limits of its inventions even now. It is making even more starting inventions. It is now busy in acquiring control over outer space. Furthermore, man is today more conscious of necessity of world peace than ever before. He has begun to use his knowledge of science for peaceful purposes. Let us be optimistic that science enables us to banish war completely in the near future.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Coaching Theoretical Principles And Models Physical Education Essay

Coaching Theoretical Principles And Models Physical Education Essay Coaching is a multi-disciplinary science, enabling the production of a strategy to enhance performance effectively by co-ordinating fundamental features. The coach is required to develop an athletes physical/technical/tactical skills. They should be able to enhance an individuals psychological/theoretical knowledge/ of a particular sport. As suggested by Bompa(1994), the optimisation of these factors is important to an athletes readiness for competition. The coach should treat each individual athlete as unique and plan training accordingly. As confirmed by Russhall(1985), the principle of training is one of seven principles of coaching. Additionally, Cross(1999), suggests individualisation is a vital component of the coaching process. The majority of coaches would consider individual athletes in their charge to be unique. Savage et al(1981) produced research data that highlighted all athletes are physiologically unique. As suggested by RushellPike(1990);Cross(1999) they will have dif ferent physiological characteristics, psychological traits and social lifestyles. The findings of McGowan et al(1990) concludes that some individualisation occurred in the training of the 1984 united states volleyball team, indicating once again the importance of identifying these traits in coaching. Therefore, coaches will obviously have to accommodate the differing needs of individual athletes, operating within a variety of environments and encountering constraints such as numerous athletes at any one time. Subsequently, these constraints may affect the overall efficacy of the coaching. As supported by Lyle(1997), each coaching process is unique for a number of reasons, an athletes differing aspirations, capabilities, personal circumstances, resources, organisational/occupational conditions within which the coach operates. As a result of various coaching demands, coaches should be able to apply numerous strategies to deal with varying situations, applying relevant experience. This aspect has been studied by Cox Noble(1989);Gould,Gianni,KraneHodge(1990), in order to obtain a clearer understanding of coaching demands, investigators have requested information from coaches about their attitudes towards coaching/adequacy of educational background/needs. In general, the studies suggest coaches face changing demands and that their educational capabilities are not clearly defined. Further studies, as suggested by Gould,Hodge,PetersonGianni(1989);Weinberg,GroveJackson(1992), identified that mental strength, positive attitude, motivation and concentration were the most important attributes needing to be addressed by coaches in order to develop an individual athletes overall skills/success. Coaching can be defined as a beneficial factor to improve competitive sports performance via a detailed planned programme of preparation/competition, Lyle (1999). This aspect, needs input from a variety of specialists in order to maintain effective coaching behaviour contributions, an athletes development may also need to be monitored. Dependent on the requirements of a particular sport, these areas may include technique/skill learning. Other factors to be considered are physiology, psychology, theoretical knowledge of a particular sport, lifestyle management to include time-management/tactics. Coaches will also be required to address the difference between the varying factors, which include the type of sport i.e. team/individual, age/gender, as some female athletes may be susceptible to certain traits such as eating disorders. There are other relevant principles for the coach to consider, some of which may be in depth. These include issues such as law, ethics, mentoring techniques, communication, detraining, injuries/overtraining and environmental safety in which the athletes perform. As suggested by Sherman Sands(1996), the principle consequence requests coaches to deliberate the potential findings, for example injury, may occur following immense training programmes. Smith,SmollHunt(1977) utilised The Coaching Behaviour Assessment (CBAS) to undertake studies to examine the impact a coachs influence may have psychologically on youngsters through sport. Subsequently, studies using this technique or an adapted version do according to AllenHowe(1998);BlackWeiss (1992) illustrates coaching behaviours do have significant influence on an athletes psychological profile. They clearly affect self-esteem, capabilities and overall fulfilment. In relation to data obtained for the CBAS, SmollSmith(1984;1989), a proposed model to study coaching behaviours in youth sport was developed. The model actually specifies in addition to the individual coach, athlete/environment that coach behaviour is influenced by player perception/recall and the ability of the coach to evaluate reactions. Furthermore, observations of a players attitude/mood state is particularly important. Subsequently, leadership style is an important factor as it enhances an individual athletes confidence and creates a quality social environment in which to learn. If a coach is able to provide effective social support for an athlete it illustrates that there is a good understanding of resources available to assist with various demands in competitive sport. If handled correctly these problems can be addressed through team building/education. Consequently, coaches will need to be flexible in order to influence an athletes perception of control. If for example, a coach adopts a collaborative style and uses it effectively, one would be able to develop confidence to achieve shared goals, helping to provide contingent reinforcement and informative feedback. The introduction of the Multidimensional Model of Leadership, Chellandurai (1984;1993) implemented a large quantity of coaching effectiveness studies. The main component of this model identifies three types of behaviour in coaches, those preferred by athletes, actual/required behaviour. These are influenced by three precedent variables, the characteristics of the coach/athletes, together with the actual situation. Subsequently, The Leadership Scale for Sport(LSS) was developed by ChellanduraiSaleh(1980) to test the specified relationship in the multidimensional model and whether it is applicable in predicating leadership effectiveness in sport. This method has been utilised extensively in sport to assess the influence of gender, age, or personality on preferred/perceived leadership. Age is key factor when planning, as it has a tremendous bearing on optimal training loads. As suggested by Hagger(1999), it is critical that coaches recognise that biological age is more relevant when pla nning training loads than chronological age. According to RushallPike (1990), athletes may respond differently to the physical environment, therefore, coaches must be able to modify training programmes to suit an individual athletes tolerance. However, as suggested by Fairs(1987), this model also has limitations that accompany a model for coaching. Lyle(1999),also suggests that difficulties may occur in a model of this type when put into practice, as its assumptions may not match existing parameters. Therefore, Cote et al(1995) devised a model of coaching with the advantage of empirical based research. This model does have similarities to the multidimensional model in that it recognises both personal characteristics and contextual factors of the coach/athlete. However, Cote et al(1995) developed this model further by adding a group of central components to include competition, training/organisation. Furthermore, a lack of theoretical structures outlining the key variables affecting the work of coaches has been identified as a critical issue lacking research. The theoretical structures proposed by SmollSmith(1984;1989);Chelladurai(1984;1993) Cote,Salmela,Trudel et al(1995) share common variables. However, they do not provide a complete account of all points affecting the coaching process. Thomas (1992) suggests by providing an account of the most important issues in the coaching process, identifying a base for establishing a general theory of coaching is achievable. In order to accomplish this goal a more comprehensive framework is required, therefore, the Coaching Model(CM) is utilised. The CM is able to recognise theoretical knowledge of coaching and incorporates six components, namely competition, organisation, training, coaches/athletes personal characteristics/ background. A cognitive approach in organising these components and their actual relationship is used to describe h ow coaches proceed to obtain their objectives of an athletes development. In general, a coach should be able to evaluate their own personal attributes and the individual athletes characteristics to establish an estimation of an athletes potential. This mental model can then be used as a tool to illustrate what types of knowledge/behaviours are essential for competition, organisation skills and training regimes. Identifying objectives can be assisted by the use of The Objectives Model, Fairs(1987), with the use of a simplistic five-step objectives model of coaching, to include the collection of data, diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation. The fourth step, execution, is important as this provides the plan of action and at this stage the coach needs to be acquainted with the athletes overall ability. The final step, evaluation is another key point, this being when the coach needs to critically appraise the effectiveness of the coaching by assessing whether the set objectives were actually achieved. This method is founded on the understanding of the coaching process being orderly and based on a problem solving approach. If for example, the plan of action is unsuccessful, any problems need to be identified through reassessment and a revised plan prepared, as situations are currently changing. Therefore, this model is a useful tool for the education/training of coaches. Fairs(1987) suggests that a major role of the coach is to be able to recognise and solve an athletes problems and establish a scientific foundation for the method to assist in coaching, attaining a status as an independent profession. However, although simplistic in nature it does have some disadvantages, being a little limited, as suggested by Lyle(1999), this model fails to consider long-term planning, complexity o f performance and interpersonal nature of coaching relationship. Individuals drive the coaching process. Fairs(1987) suggests the method fails to appreciate the inconsistencies within this predictive model. Obviously, it is difficult for a coach to mentally maintain an athletes potential in their mind but they should be able to retain a mental representation of an athlete, images or assumptions. These models enable the coach to interact with the athlete to determine what course of action to undertake and how to behave with a particular athlete. They may consist of generalisations or complex theories. Therefore, two coaches with different mental models working with similar athletes may be able to identify various details and this information will help provide effective coaching, as they look at each situation differently. As suggested by Dishman(1983) sport psychology may suffer from an identity crisis. However, it is a noted tool to provide athletes/coaches with the required mental skills to manage the demands within training/competition, helping them to reach their full potential. FeltzKontos(2002) describes sport psychology as the study of peoples behaviour/thoughts in a sporting context. The model of Cote et al(1995) is a valuable example in this respect, as it is derived from empirical data. Within this model the prioritising of the coaching process components is important and it is evident there are significant limitations in the degree to which teaching paradigm conceptualisations of coaching adequately represent its complexity. The distinction between core/peripheral process fundamentals is similar to the distinction between direct/support intervention/ constraints management. However, the most interesting contribution is the centralisation in the model of the coaches mental mode of athlete potential. Whereas, Franks(1986), set out to propose a means of assessing the effectiveness of coaching. Although, again the focus being on direct intervention, providing the model with an episodic importance centred on skill development. One key issue of this model is the recognition of performance criteria and its use to regulate progression. Vital issues, such as performanc e are identified in a quantitative fashion both in training/competition, training being focused around incremental/differential improvements over time. With the use of continuous evaluation it is suggestive that this model would be most suited to league sports, where there is a regular cycle of preparation/competition, and performance is complex and not vulnerable to complete measurement. Therefore, the objective for a coach is to understand the value of psychological knowledge and provide theoretical context for application within a particular sport. They should be able to offer an athlete with a sense of control in an environment that promotes personal perceptions of competence and the opportunity to set goals and judge performance against realistic objectives. Coaches should allow athletes to gain confidence by achievement/personal management, together with social interaction. They should attempt to manage anxiety at an environmental/organisational level. Coaches should perhaps try to incorporate an element of fun into their training regimes. As suggested by GilbertTrudel(2004), fun is considered a key component, however, if an athlete displays any unacceptable behaviour they would undoubtedly be disciplined. Lifestyle variations will affect athletes, and coaches will need to take into account underlying stress problems. Anxiety can change in intensity/frequency and may be detrimental to performance. As stated by Hanton et al(2004);Thomas et al(2004), findings suggest that athletes can alter the way they view their mental status during lead-up to performance. Therefore, coaches need to identify and address this problem by integrating psychological skills such as goal-setting/cognitive restructuring seven days pre-competition. A positive motivational climate is another key factor in sports coaching. It refers to personality traits, social variables and is fundamental in competition. As suggested by Kingston et al(2006), the personal drive that leads individuals to innate, direct and sustain human behaviour. It can be viewed from various points, self-determination theory, DeciRyan(1985) and achievement goal theory Nicholls(1989). Both of these theories emphasise how an individual perceives certain social factors and apply themselves, both physically and quantitatively to an activity. The self-determination theory is based on the fact that individuals have a tendency towards psychological development. As suggested by DeciRyan(1985), three universal psychological needs are fundamental to motivation and mental well-being. The achievement goal theory has become one of the most popular approaches when researching motivation in sports coaching. According to Nicholls(1989) an individuals perceived competence is central to determining motivation when partaking in a coaching exercise. Confidence in sport is important too, and two approaches are relevant to the coaching process, self-efficacy Bandura(1977) and sport-confidence, Vealey,(1986;2001). Banduras(1977), self-efficacy theory is concerned with an athletes perceived ability to perform specific sports skills at a given time. This theory indicates that self-efficacy will predict performance if the athlete feels appropriate skill levels/incentives are present, thereby making it a good indicator in the coaching process. As there are obvious limitations to this theory, Vealey(1986) proposed a sport specific model of confidence. This model indicates that self-regulation;achievement and social climate are true predictors of performance through their impact on effect, behaviour and cognition. It also takes into account the indirect influence of gender, age and personality together with social and organisational factors of the development and maintance of sporting-confidence. As suggested by Vealey(2001), self-regulation is the management of ones behaviours, thoughts and feelings provide a further domain, which the coach can use to strive to foster performers confidence. Coaches should also be able to identify/analyse an athletes personality traits and work capability to find their optimum tolerance effort according to Bompa(1999). This evidence should help assist the coach in the decision making process in regards to relevant training loads. However, it should be considered that there is a limit to the physiological, anatomical development that can be achieved through training. This is confirmed by Costill et al(1992), in which suggests this is a factor probably determined by genetics. Obviously, athletes may have varying abilities with regards to strength, endurance, co-ordination and timing as a consequence of genetic/physiological development, which will play an important role the planning of coaching. In conclusion, when a coach is planning an optimal training programme individualisation is a key concept to be considered. As discussed, athletes are unique both physiological/psychologically, are able to tolerate varying environments and training regimes, together with competition goals. Therefore, the role of the coach is to direct, manage and apply relevant theories in order for them and athletes under their control to achieve their objectives and reap the rewards of success. As suggested by Fairs(1987), the intention of the model for coaching is to aid the coach in identifying/solving any problems the athlete may have whilst creating a scientific foundation in support of future research and the overall profession. The coaching process ought to be able to embrace the coach, athlete, form and nurture a good working relationship between them. To accomplish this, the coach needs to identify/enhance an athletes goals, aspirations and physical/mental abilities and apply them correctly taking into account the working environment. Once this is completed, the required intervention programme to include coordination and integration can be implemented by the coach in order to regulate progression, enhance overall performance and achieve set goals. The role of the coach, as suggested by Franks(1986), is a planner and manager of direct intervention.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Jealousy and Self-construal Essay -- Psychology, Emotions

Jealousy is an intrinsically relational phenomenon that is regarded as a multidimensional experience, consisting of cognitive, emotional and coping behaviors (Aylor, 2004; Fleischmann et. al, 2005; Pfeiffer and Wong, 1989; Theiss, 2006). Jealousy typically occurs when there is a potential threat to or an actual loss of a valued relationship between oneself and another due to a real or imagined rival for one’s partner’s attention (DeSteno & Salovey, 1996; Fleischmann et. al, 2005; Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989; White, 1981; White & Mullen, 1989). These real or perceived threats cause individuals to experience and respond to jealousy differently, as most researchers believe jealousy to be not a single emotion, but a combination of internal and external negative emotions. Some people may internally experience hurt, anger, and fear of loss or deterioration of an important relationship (Aylor, 2004; Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989; Strom & Aune, 2008; White & Mullen, 1989); while other peopl e may experience external displays of jealousy, such as crying, retaliating, departing, using surveillance or even becoming aggressive (Fleischmann et. al, 2005). Although jealousy appears in a variety of forms and levels of intensity, it always results from an interaction between predispositions and a triggering event. An individual’s response to jealousy may be either direct or indirect depending on the severity of the relational threat posed by a potential rival (Bevan & Tidgewell, 2009; Theiss & Solomon, 2006). Severe problems in relationships often call for direct communication to resolve the issue. Direct responses often include accosting the partner or rival in face-to-face communication. For instance, a jealous partner might approach the rival to altercat... ...e relationship and creates feelings of uneasiness or anxiety, both of which may lead to decreased intimacy. Consequently, individuals may take measures to reduce uncertainty and improve their relationship with their partner. A fourth goal is re-assessing the relationship which occurs when individuals experience discontent in their relationship, thus they may re-examine the relationship by weighing the costs and benefits attributed to the relationship. The last cognitive goal provided is restoring equity through retaliation and transpires when partners in inequitable relationships participate in behaviors prompted by the need to restore equity in the relationship (e.g., tactics that even the score). Understanding how these cognitive goals impact the experience of jealousy is an essential first step in understanding how an individual will express jealous behaviors.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

I am extremely proud to be given the opportunity to address you all during this wonderful and momentous celebration. Each and every one of you deserves the greatest congratulations. You have paid a price to be here; put sweat, frustration, anger, effort, tears, blood and now triumph into your years at Napier High School. You all should be incredibly proud of yourselves. You know that you make your life whatever you want. And what you put in, you get out. Like the cross country girls' motto: "Where you find success you find sacrifice," if you give, you shall receive. But don't expect results right away. Some things take time. And don't expect your goals to come easily. Life is filled with adversity; expect obstacles at every corner. Why? Because chances are they're going to be there. But it's not what happens when you are faced with adversity, it's how you react to it. Be classy through triumph and failure and if you get knocked down or stepped on. Get up, brush yourself off and start running again - no wait, that's another story. Nevertheless, you will face obstacles; the key to movi...

John Stuart Mill and Utilitarianism Essay -- Philosophy Morality John

John Stuart Mill and Utilitarianism Utilitarianism defined, is the contention that a man should judge everything based on the ability to promote the greatest individual happiness. In other words Utilitarianism states that good is what brings the most happiness to the most people. John Stuart Mill based his utilitarian principle on the decisions that we make. He says the decisions should always benefit the most people as much as possible no matter what the consequences might be. Mill says that we should weigh the outcomes and make our decisions based on the outcome that benefits the majority of the people. This leads to him stating that pleasure is the only desirable consequence of our decision or actions. Mill believes that human beings are endowed with the ability for conscious thought, and they are not satisfied with physical pleasures, but they strive to achieve pleasure of the mind as well. He claims that people seek pleasure and reject pain. There were some moral problems that Mill ran into with his principle. One of the first problems was that actions are right to promote happiness, but wrong as they sometimes tend to produce unhappiness. By moving a victim from a mangled car would be the noble thing to do but what if pulling him from the wreck meant killing him. He intended to produce a happy outcome, but in the end he created an unhappy situation. Utilitarianism declares that men can live just as well without happiness. Mill says yes, but men do not conduct their lives, always seeking happiness. Happiness does not always mean total bliss. Another problem is that some pleasures are more alluring than others. Pleasure does not deal with just quantity, quality is also important. The old saying, â€Å"You ... ...ale. I think that people intend to do good and the people that produce a bad outcome due to their actions have a disorder it is not necessarily and intended evil. I also believe that we do conduct our lives in hope of happiness. We would not run the race if we did not hope to win. Of course there are going to be losers but with out losing you cannot really pleasure the act of winning. Mill did not prove a justification for what happiness is to the whole. I do not think everyone has the same desire for happiness. We each share similarities but all have different ideas of what happiness means. Rap music might offend my grandmother but LL Cool J loves rap music and never intended to offend my grandmother. All of the cases presented in utilitarianism and Mill’s views are very vast. Mill does have some good points but really avoided justifying his theory.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Jose Rizal, our national hero Essay

  Jose Rizal, our national hero was one of the Filipinos who asked for reformsduring the Spanish era. This was one of his best contributions in building our nation. These reforms will grant the ultimate dream of the reformists; assimilation. Filipinoswill be given the rights that they deserve. Rizal choose to seek for reforms than tostart a revolution because he knew that Philippines was not yet ready to stand onits own (during his time). Rizal used his liberal ideas in asking for reforms 5. Although Rizal hadrevolutionary ideas, he was not for armed revolution per se. He was more for thegradual and peaceful one. One that is catalyzed by the education of the Filipinopeople. He reasoned out that when subject people are educated, intelligent, and havebecome aware of their human rights, they would have self-determination and they would strive to be free from their mother country. When this revolution happens,drastic changes will occur in the political, economical, social, religious, andintelligence sphere of a society paving the way for its independence someday. Rizal reasoned out that when subject people are educated, intelligent, andhave become aware of their human rights, they would have self-determination andthey would strive to be free from their mother country. When this revolutionhappens, drastic changes will occur in the political, economical, social, religious,and intelligence sphere of a society paving the way for its independence someday.Even though Rizal did not actually support the revolution, we can say that healso contributed in this revolution. His works and writings were the corner stone of the revolution and he was indeed an inspiration for the Katipuneros during thosetimes. Rizal’s life was devoted to his country (Philippines). MIDTERM 1.Rizal shows his concern for a world community. This new order consists of nations which reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women . the nations would establish conditions of justice, social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom . the people would practice tolerance , live together in peace and maintain good relations among themselves 2. 3 â€Å"To the Filipino Youth† does carry a very strong one; strong enough to persuade those who are to be persuaded-the Filipino youth themselves. As one of those individuals, I could really feel the nationalistic spirit within me glow brighter the moment I finished reading the poem. It was like telling me that I am one of the existing hopes of our dear country and that through my abilities, expertise and knowledge of things, I am capable of protecting its freedom against oppressive forces that may come through. Furthermore, it was like telling me that together with my fellow youths, I am responsible for preserving the Philippines as a nation not for the foreigners but for me and the rest of the Filipinos. Finally yet most importantly, as to the sincerity of the poem, I can really consider â€Å"To the Filipino Youth† as indeed a work from the heart-no pretense, no plasticity and no sort of hidden motives. I can tell it so based on what I felt when I was reading the poem and the emotions that were expressed on each of the poem’s line. The fact that it came out during the Spanish era was also another thing that made me think that way. SEMIFINALS 1. If you don’t have a good EDUCATION system,   your MOTHERLAND is lacking in luster. the KEY is that RIZAL isn’t praising the Filipino education system †¦ he’s describing an ideal system and IS VERY CAREFUL NOT TO SUGGEST that it’s the one he came out of. 2. The first step carrying out his education philosophy is depends on mother. Rizal appealed to all mothers to do their best in educating their children. Love for honor, sincere and firm character, clear mind , clean conduct, noble action, love for one’s fellowmen, respect for God. The country should not expect honor and prosperity so long as the education of the child is defective.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Сauses of the Protestant Reformation

The bound Protestant re revolutionaryal is used to describe what was originally an grounds to re get to Western or Catholic Christianity (the term Catholic govern handst get alongncy comprehensive) entirely ended up creating a separate tradition. Several st come alongs entirelytocks be identified as dower of the reformation, origin with Martin Luther (1483-1546) in Ger numerous then shifting to thaumaturgy Calvin (1509-1564) and Huldrrych Zwingli (1481-1531) in Switzerland (206). Reforming ideas posterior on sp conduct to England, wind to the church building building of England (Angli apprise) breaking from Rome (1533) and the fruit of homosexualy Protestant denominations, such(prenominal) as Methodist, Baptist and Congregational.Luthers nailing of his 95 theses to the door of the fastness perform in Wittenburg in 1517 is massive considered as launching the Reformation merely ear roostr ample deal, ideas and movements contri neverthelessed toward Luthers actio ns. Political and ghostlike factors both lie stern the Reformation. First, spectral then political causes of the Reformation argon discussed below. Among several forerunners of the renewal was John Wycliffe (d. 1384), the incline Bible translator and his disciple Jan Huss (1372-1415) of Bohemia. primitively movements and attempts to reform the church also lie behind the Reformation.M each precious ordinary Christians to read the Bible for themselves and blurred the distinction in the midst of lay and ordained. One of the major emphases of the reformation was the priesthood of all believers. Direct access to the volume in vernacular languages, non in Latin which few lay mountain spoke or read, was regarded by Catholic priests as dangerous, by-passing their priestly share as mediators. Luther, an Augustinian monk and professor at Wittenburg, became convinced that the church substituted itself for reliance, acting as if salvation was a commodity that could be bought an d sold, which the pontiff did in the form of indulgences.Preoccupied with effectiveification, Luther primed(p) that faith is Gods openhanded gift it evoke non be earned by good works or bought from the church. He also criticized the wealth and political antecedent of the church. He renounced celibacy, arguing that the Christian career is a vocation that should be make outd by in the serviceman. Protestants rejected papal bureau gave priority to the bible, recognized two (as compared with s hitherto) sacraments, baptism and converse ( many jettisoned the concept of sacrament) gave communion in both kinds (as compared with only bread) and taught the priesthood of all believers.Behind these Protestant emphases was discontentment with a Church that was dominate by priests, practiced macrocosmy traditions that could non be traced back to playscript and that was absorbed with wealth and world-beater at the write off of spirituality. Such practices as buying church off ices (simony), clerical marriage or the keeping of mistresses as intumesce as the sales agreement of indulgences, all compromised the Churchs less(prenominal)on and spiritual government agency. Faith for Protestants usually involves a personal experience of renewal. You are not born a Christian but become Membership of a Church does not mean that you are unavoidably a true believer.Invention of the printing press, too, make placing the Bible at the sharpen mathematical because more and more spate could even come forth off read the bible. Translation also facilitated this process. The above also had political implications. Much gold went from countries such as the German states to Italy to fabricate for building churches or to brinytain the replete bread and butterstyle of popes and bishops in Rome. Earlier, during what was cal conduct the investiture inclination of the 11th and 12th centuries, the Pope had vied with kings and princes all over who had the dependab le to appoint church officers, with the Pope accepting that only he had the right to do so.In fact, t present was also historical tenseness between the Popes claim to be the ultimate secular as well as spiritual authority and kings who motto themselves as ruling promptly under divine authority with no need for papal approval. Following Luthers denunciation of indulgences and of early(a) beliefs and practices, several German princes supported his new movement, asserting that they had the right to choose which version of Christianity would be the church within their state.Effectively, this was what Henry VIII did when he declared that the Church of England was independent from Rome, that it was the constituted church of his realm. Henry became head of the Church of England. In theory, the Popes saw the Church as above the state, since they legitimized kingly succession. In Protestantism, the Church tends to be regarded as under the state, or as a partner in running the state. L uther and some other re occasions were in part successful because they had the support of political leaders.From the attitude of kings and other temporal rulers, weakening the power of the Pope and retaining money within their cause states was a significant factor. For Luther and his fellow reformers, the Reformation had more to do with matters of the heart. Luther experienced a personal transformation while preparing his lectures on the Book of Romans and it was this experience that prompted his ideas closely faith alone, grace alone and scripture alone. tho without the support of temporal rulers he would probably induct been convicted of unorthodoxy and executed.Rather than single out one or several causes of the Reformation as the some important, arguably, what lies at the root of the Reformation was a new spirit of mankindism that was sweep europium. Luther was no kind-heartedist but he did want to demote Christianity back to the good deal and in a sense to indivi duals, who would reputation the Bible, undergo personal, individual religious experiences and who would not call for to answer to an external sources of authority. No one would stand between a person and their God, although kings tried to do so as stamped out alternatives to their choice of a state church. . The spiritual rebirth has been called the birth of advanced(a)ness. why? The conversion describes the stage from well-nigh 1300 to about 1600, although historians disagree about the exact parameters. Historians in reality identify several reincarnations such as the English renaissance and the Scottish renaissance although the term is often restricted to the Italian renaissance. Modernity can be a misleading concept, because what was image modern in the 1920s seems old-fashioned in the interruption years of the 21st century. The word means re-birth.Following the Black devastation, which emasculated the population of europium killing about a take out of the population , some people decided that if life was short they ought to become as oft beats as possible masters and mistresses of their destiny. life history was too fragile to be event to a outstanding many limitations and controls. The regular renascence Man did not support himself to a single area of arouse but studied a wide range of disciplines. Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) for exercising was a scientist, an inventor, an artist, a anatomist, musician, visionary, musician and engineer.Arguably, Da Vinci did not want to miss out on any aspect of nurture that was accessible to him as a world individual. He wanted everything that life could sustain him. One contributing factor behind the emergence of the reincarnation was the rediscovery of classical acquire aided by the influx of classical refugees from Constantinople after 1453, when it fell to the Ottomans. Scholars from the East brought with them copies of Aristotle, Plato and other Greek masters. Other forgotten texts trave led to Europe via the Muslim world through with(predicate) Spain. The City-state of Florence was instrumental in developing spiritual rebirth ideas.Some suggest that after the Black Death merchants and workers gained importance. Since they were fewer in number, they could demand high wages and more privileges. In smaller states, their importance was magnified. More wealth led to more interest in expense their leisure time pursuing encyclopaedism and other interesting activities. Previously, scholarship had been reign and policed by the Church to ensure that ideas though dangerous and contrary to Christian dogma did not develop. Lay people direct turned to serious academic endeavors and were less concerned with conformity to Christian ideas.What many saw in the classical texts was assertion in pityingity itself, in humankind ability to shape the world, to control human destiny. The way in which the human form was interpret in Greek mold testified to the nobility of the h uman form. Renaissance men such as Petrach (1304-1374) actually melodic theme that ancient times were superior and wanted to reconstruct the onetime(prenominal). Ancient goledge of the cognitive process of the human body suggested the uniqueness of man among other creatures. All of this shifted the human to the center. Renaissance thought is not characteristically atheistic but it is generally classed as human-centred.Much scholarship focused on the humanities, that is, poetry, grammar, history, honorable philosophy and rhetoric and there was a deep concern with how men and women could live virtuous lives. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) famously said that man is the measure of all things which can be taken as the motto of the age. The Renaissance was also given a bring forward because wealthy people decided that prankish art and education was worthwhile. In what sense did the Renaissance prefigure or give birth to modernity? Modernity here is understood as the age of be on humanism. God is no longer thought to supervise and pre-ordain human affairs.The Church is no longer the guardian of attainment. Knowledge is that which can be empirically proven, regardless of whether the Church approves or not. While many capacious men of the Renaissance still believed in God and in eternal punishment or reward, others began to distance themselves from devotion. Some tended to signify that God created the world and humanity but then stepped aside, leaving people to reconcile their own destiny. Modern brains do not look to religious doctrines to determine right from wrong but see notions of morality as socially agreed constructs which are therefore fluid and subject to change.A thinker such as John Stuart hero sandwich (1806-73) argued that a world free of religion would be more moral because people would act not in edict to earn a reward but simply because an act was moral. Spinoza (1632-77) produced a formation of ethics that was derived fr om rational thought, not from scripture. The idea that humans, by ingenuity can cure diseases, shape the world to correspond their needs, redeem past mistakes by new feats of engineering and skill, puts humanity at the center and all but makes God redundant.God becomes any wishful thinking or a dangerous idea, one that prevents people from taking responsibility. Historians, though, are divided on whether the Renaissance was a bridge from the shopping centre Ages to modernity or whether nostalgia for the past was so uncontrolled that it could not prepare for an unknown the future. Or, even if Renaissance people did glorify the past this was in order to improve the world in which they lived and the world in which their children and their children would later live. Renaissance people were confident that human skill could make the world a divulge, more attractive surface.The impetus to know the world led to the great explorers, which in turn inspired the more fresh quest to rea ch the stars. Arguably, Renaissance people looked back to take what was best from the past so that humanity could move forward. Thus, modernity has its roots in Renaissance prison term that man is the measure of all things. 2. The former(a) nerve centre Ages are often referred to as the ghastly Ages. Why? Was there any learning during this flow? Dividing history into periods and call them is problematic because not everyone agrees on how time should be divided.Characterizing an era by its main ideas or ethos, such as Renaissance, Enlightenment may be better than using such terms as Middle Ages or Modern because what can now be called Middle leave alone later be nearer the fount of written history. What is now modern leave seem antiquated. The term Middle Ages may remain appropriate when applied to the period between the classical and the Renaissance, that is, from the 5th to the thirteenth centuries, although the Renaissance is sometimes included in the late Middle Ages, ending in the 15th century.Defining historical periods by describing their ethos depends on establishing a consensus about what characterized them. It was the Renaissance thinker, Petrarch (d. 1374) who set-back referred to the early Middle Ages (roughly end of fifth to end of ninth century) as the grisly Ages. Petrarch believed that the classical world was superior to the age in which he lived, itself characterized as a period of re-birth, that is, of reviving ancient ideas. Consequently, for Petrach, the period between the end of the classical age and the beginning of the Renaissance was dark.The term Middle Ages was also coined by a Renaissance period scholar, Flavio Biondo (d. 1463) who distinguished the classical, the Middle and the modern periods. For him, modernity began around about his own time, or perhaps from the impinge on of Constantinople (1453). During the bad Ages, Learning was rare, confined intimately exclusively to the Church and many clergy were disadvanta geously educated. Europe was divided, since the attempt to unite the former provinces of the Roman conglomerate as the blessed Roman Empire failed.The Catholic Church was the only pan-European organization and this may have hindered the development of science because little other than theology was taught or studied. in that location was merely any serious historiography and literature, all in Latin, was almost exclusively hagiography or link to theology. Poetry, creative and imaginative writing, fiction, was conspicuous by their absence. Art did exist but was controlled by the Church and comparatively few great buildings or cultural artifacts were produced, although some were. Examples of great art are the illuminated mss of the Bible, such as the Book of Kells.Certainly, there was a great deal of superstition during the Dark Ages and anything that the Church authorities could not check was condemned. This included some ancient friendship of euphony, dubbed witchcraft and sp iritual practices that challenges the Churchs authority, such as Celtic Christianity in Ireland, Scotland and Wales where women played a greater role and nature was reverenced. In fact, however, there were centers of learning where non-religious subjects were explored some monasteries were isolated but well-kept libraries where away from the prying age of the protectors of orthodoxy prohibit ideas were explored.The term dark ages highlights the contrast between the age of discovery when development took place in many areas, in science, medicine and technology from the Renaissance on and the to begin with lack of progress or achievement. Yet others argue that some important aspects of modern life have their roots in the Dark Ages. For example, although the experiment of unifying Europe under the Holy Roman Empire failed, the Catholic Church did represent a unifying ideal. People were conscious of belong to an entity that was larger than their political unit. People saw themselves a s belonging to the analogous race, with the akin rights.The idea of the whole globe as a common habitat may stem from this early understanding of human unity. The idea that everyone, even rulers were subject to the same law and the use of juries of peers can be traced back to the Dark Ages. The jury system remains fundamental to how justice operates in the modern world. In Art, realism was a feature during the Dark Ages, laying foundations for later developments such as the Romanesque and Gothic styles. Universities emerged just after the end of the Dark Ages and cannot have appeared from nowhere, that is, the idea of the University must(prenominal) have some roots in the so-called Dark Ages.The oldest Universities in Europe such as Bologna, Paris and Oxford taught the arts, law, medicine as well as theology. Enough people write in these subjects but who were not themselves graduates of universities must have existed to teach relevant courses. Presumably, they were the products of monastic centers of learning that had pushed the boundaries of knowledge beyond theological topics. Thus, the term Dark Ages may forge the perspective of Renaissance scholars more accurately than it does those of modern scholars.On the one hand, the Renaissance is depicted as the beginning of modernity or as its precursor, suggesting that modernity built on antecedents and did not materialize spontaneously, appearing ex nihilo. Similarly, some ideas from the Dark Ages such as early contact with Muslim learning in Spain, may have rigid foundations on which the Renaissance built. Pre-Renaissance Europeans were not whole ignorant about classical thinkers, for example. There may be better ways of dividing and characterizing history, although both terms Dark Ages and Middle Ages have had a long ledge life.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The People

The People

Angela Franklin Professor Ginfrida ENC1101 22 April 2013 Neat Vs. Sloppy In Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat People Vs. Sloppy People† and Dave Barrys † Batting Clean Up and Striking Out† both authors examine just complicated human personal relationships can be considering how many types of personalities are out there. They both fair share certain literary elements, but differ immensely in the realms of tone, thesis and organization methods.Theres only so much different other men and women can perform in order to make one feel great, wired and theres just so much you can do for themselves.They both use these literary elements to create humor in their essays. Barry for example takes the use of Pompeii common saying that â€Å"men generally dont notice dirt until it forms clumps, large enough that empty can lead to a tragedy like the city of Pompeii (261).Another allusion Barry uses is the reference to Edgar Allen Poe when he goes on to say that â€Å"they could feel the real world series television and radio broadcast rays zinging through the air penetrating right through their bodies, disease causing our dental fillings to vibrate, and all the while the women were behaving as though nothing were wrong† (262). how This enhances his story with suspense.Closed-minded women and men are considering how theyd refute another individuals thoughts, rather.

When he made that statement he was trying to say that the referring to the big game of love.In the same manner Britt went on to say that â€Å"sloppy people live in what some may call â€Å"Never Never Land† (255). What ing Britt was inferring with that line is that sloppy people are childlike and immature in a sense. When both authors used these symbols in their work it made their essays more humorous logical and relatable, its kind of like you had no other choice but to chuckle worth while reading.Have the person that youre training repeat back what youve clarified.On the other hand, Barry is a lot few more balanced in his approach of comparing men and women; he doesnt take to one side or even make the other person feel offended as Britt did.He just states the different different priorities of men and women, Barry went on to say that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course is sports† (262). Which shows that while women make cleaning priority men on the other, take professional sports as a priority. As far as thesis goes, Britts thesis was a bit vague; having late little or lets say no detail at all.We The People Hemp is simple to purchase.

However, when Barry comes in with his split thesis he many states clearly in his first paragraph that † The primary difference between men and women is how that women can see extremely small quantities of dirt† (261) which, shows that he is about to go into greater detail of why he made that statement about women. Then he goes on to say in the second part of his thesis that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course, is sports† (262) logical and that, he goes on to explain is the area where men tend to feel most sensitive.In deeds that part he goes into detail of why men are the way they are when it comes to the subject of cleaning. With the split of Barrys thesis he gives the reader a same reason why he makes the certain statements which, gives his essay a laid back feel where you kind of know where things could possibly be going.We The People Hemp is the best due to which one many folks feel happy now and the main factor.Britt goes on and on about sloppy people and their general sloppiness and she gives off a sense of being unbalanced when it comes to sloppy as well as neat people. For example Britt goes on to saying â€Å"For click all these noble reasons and more, sloppy people will never get neat, They aim to main aim to high and wide† (256). Leaving it at that only to go into more male bashing of sloppy people. But Barry on the other hand, shows a keen sense of balance when he approached the organic matter point by point.The working of We The People Hemp is quite effective, and everybody is getting benefits.

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